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Vugar Bahram Kerimli


From the economic point of view, the article discusses the need for scientific research, assessment of objective calculations of the harm caused to living nature, human health, his labor activity and labor productivity.

The use of economic tasks to optimize the interaction between nature and society, to prevent environmental damage from natural resources, and to eliminate negative environmental impacts is an urgent task. This issue requires balanced development of the economy, its environmentalization and efficient management as a complex and multifaceted problem, both internal and external. The activity of a person is related to the environment surrounding him.

The use of economic tasks to optimize the interaction between nature and society, to prevent environmental damage from natural resources, and to eliminate negative environmental impacts is an urgent task. This issue requires balanced development of the economy, its environmentalization and efficient management as a complex and multifaceted problem, both internal and external. Human activity is related to the environment that surrounds it. Nature is a necessary source of raw materials for human activities, as well as waste production activities that pollute its environment. Protecting the environment and ecological balance is to ensure environmental safety, preventing the harmful effects of economic and other activities on natural ecosystems, preserving biodiversity, and ensuring efficient use of the environment and nature. The intensification and savings of the use of natural resources in the environmentalization of economic development should consider the end result. Achieving this goal requires the creation of a natural-raw-product chain for each reserve.

Currently, their economic classification is based on the form and direction of the use of natural resources into two groups:

- Inevitable natural resources for human survival(resources);

- natural resources as a source of livelihood(resources).

            As it is known, "environment" is a combination of natural and anthropogenic factors. Natural factors characterize the climatic, geological, and biological characteristics of the area and its impact on the person. Natural resources affect people through their living conditions, clothing, nutrition, water supply, service sector development, recreation and access. Ever since its inception, humans have always struggled with natural disadvantages in the face of natural disasters. Thus, human activity is related to the environment that surrounds it.

These factors have a major impact on human productivity and economic activity. When a person's economic activity falls below the impact of the environment, it has a negative impact on the economic development of the state as a whole, because development is linked to human capital. To this end, we have decided to carry out scientific research, given the relevance of this topic.

Key words: environmental factors, environmental hazard, human health, labor productivity, economic damage, assessment.